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Welcome to the home page for Zsigmond Metafacturing.

This company doesn't really exist - but then, What Does? I'm Da5id Zsigmond the proprietor and chief builder/scriptor of this Second Life (tm) based operation. I thought I would explore Second Life initially in 2006, as a possible way to extend the web interface into 3 dimensions and found this rather marvellous, frustrating, and quite engaging Metaverse with people from around the world.

I personally see tons of RL (that's Real Life or 'The Other Place') applications for the technology that allows users from so many different places to come together and really interact. So one of my missions is to get very good at all the technical aspects of this platform and eventually become one of the main people and companies that can generate any kind of content for any Virtual Reality platform using technology derived from the Massively Multiplayer game industry. The Open-Grid initiative looks promising for making a network of VR sites that use a common viewer and can share assets between worlds.

The main website, which follows, is a project I did using Flash 9.0 and Action Script 3.0 as part of the requirements of the Certificate Program in Multi-Media Technologies at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, Canada.. So I am full of new information on Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, Final Cut Pro, Motion Graphics, Visual Design, and even Project Management. I am looking forward to utilizing and further developing my skill sets on all kinds of projects - but especially within the Second Life grid platform. A small warning - I put this site together for people with high speed internet connections and a reasonable processor power. It does seem to work fine at the local cafe on a wireless modem on an older celeron notebook so most people should do fine, but if you are on a telephone based modem it will take a while to load as the pages are between 500kBytes and-3 MegaBytes each.

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